Create AI Art
Earn entry into The Collection
Collect exclusive NFTs & SUI
Top Entries
What will your
The Creator
Can you create the most interesting AI art?
Use AI to create fascinating art that others will want to support. Gather the most support and your art will be selected for The Collection. If selected you'll be rewarded with SUI and a minting of the winning art.
Create Art "A comic-like purple elephant in a dramatic alien environment"

The Scout
Scouts find the newest art that looks promising.
Supporting early allows you to support for less. If a piece you support is selected, you'll be rewarded with an exclusive NFT of the winning art.
Scout Art The Amplifier
Amplify up-and-coming art so it gets noticed.
Amplifiers significantly increase the chances of an entry being selected for The Collection. And you're still supporting for less than those who wait to see who is winning...
Amplify Art The Whale
It might only take one Whale to turn a contender into a winner!
Go big or go home. Find the top ranked entries and give the ones you love the boost necessary to win the day.
Go Big Support
Support starts at just 0.25 SUI, but doubles with each new supporter.
The more supporters an image has, the more exclusive it becomes, and the more expensive it is for new users to support it.
Support Art Next election announced in: